Search results for "About"
ConfiguringLast modified Fri Nov 14 01:56:49 UTC 2014 . . . u could set this to something like:
* $NavBar = '<a href="' . $ShortUrl . '
to link to an '
About' page. I don't think you'll break anythin . . . he navbar is built. The default value is empty. If you want to include an "
About" and a "Contact" page to your navbar, use this as an example:
* @NavBarPag . . . es = qw(
About Contact);
* @NavBarPages = ('
About', 'Contact');
**$Debug** - This variable controls whether or not error me . . .
AaronGravesLast modified Tue Nov 27 23:32:46 UTC 2018 . . .}}
About Aaron==
I'm [[|Aaron Graves . . . //|Google+ profile]].
There's a whole lot more
about me on there, so I won't cover much here I suppose.
You can also follow me . . . om|personal website]].
Some places you can find me on the web:
* [[http://|]]
* [[ . . .
Community GuidelinesLast modified Wed Oct 22 14:39:49 UTC 2014 . . . come to the [[What Is Aneuch|Aneuch]] [[WhatIsAWiki|wiki]]! This is a wiki
about the Aneuch wiki engine. We talk
about the development, functioning, and im . . . get to via the link in the top menu bar)
* [[Vision and Mission]] to learn
about the goals of this site
* [[WikiNode]] for links to related sites
* [[Recen . . .
Version 0.40 ChangelogLast modified Fri Nov 14 15:27:25 UTC 2014 . . . Block: Add <br/> before save button
- DoAdminBannedContent: Remove bit
about pre-populating with default BannedContentFile, add <br/> before save butto . . . - Changed hash-bang line to include the 'w' and 'T' switches. Not sure
about keeping this in the future.
- Added "use CGI" statement
- Uncommen . . .
Discuss Version 0 10Last modified Fri Nov 16 17:39:30 UTC 2012 . . . un 26 01:25:04 UTC 2012// (
Actually, now that I think
about it, there are a few variables that need to be described and documented in . . . (
All the required features are done. I'm really thinking
about implementing ACL's and Anti-Spam since the required features were complete . . .
AboutLast modified Mon May 31 14:31:10 UTC 2021 . . . t a good number of the elements working, and said to myself "Man, I've got
about 60% of a wiki written
already." Little did I know that was nowhere near ac . . . ment version of Aneuch. To answer your question, yes, I am
a bit concerned
about the implications of this. There could be security holes, data loss, etc. B . . .
SpamLast modified Sun Jun 25 12:49:59 UTC 2017 . . . %notice This page is
about Aneuch's anti-spam features. Previously, it included information
about the . . . mple, a site administrator could use as a question something very specific
about the site that only its regular users would have knowledge of. An example o . . .
Spam WorkLast modified Mon Aug 19 20:52:27 UTC 2013 . . . Aneuch. **Bold** are definites, **//bold italic//** I'm still on the fence
* **Honeypot**\\All forms on the site (except the search form) should ha . . .
Version 0.30 ChangelogLast modified Fri Feb 21 04:12:14 UTC 2014 . . . ead of $ArgList, use GetParam on 'limit'
* DoAdminBlock: Added text at top
about regex's and comments
* DoSearch: Instead of $ArgList, use GetParam on 'sea . . .
Version 0.40Last modified Mon Nov 24 16:19:47 UTC 2014 . . . ease of version 0.40 is available, see [[Version 0.42]]%
This page is all
about version 0.40 of the [[What Is Aneuch|Aneuch wiki engine]]. This is the suc . . .
Discuss Version 0.40Last modified Fri Jun 13 16:15:06 UTC 2014 . . . 28.21)
Actually that was very aggressive, I may have to push it back
about a week. I don't want to rush anything.
-- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //W . . .
APIs GetPageLast modified Tue Mar 24 20:49:42 UTC 2015 . . . etPage literally does that - it gets a page by name. It returns everything
about that page in a hash format.
**`GetPage(Page, Revision);`**
==Op . . .
Discuss Version 0.40 DevTrackLast modified Wed Nov 12 16:51:52 UTC 2014 . . . .21)
Here's a list of mime types (for reference): [[http://webdesign.]]
-- [[AaronGraves|A . . .
Version 0 10Last modified Fri Mar 14 02:30:21 UTC 2014 . . . a.svg/400px-Greek_lc_alpha.svg.png|Alpha}}
=Version 0.10=
This page is all
about version 0.10 of Aneuch, which is slated to be the first public release.
It . . .
Discuss SpamLast modified Wed Feb 22 17:13:54 UTC 2017 . . . essful spam attacks.
In future releases, I want to implement more logging
about which exact rule is getting triggered, to see what seems to be more effect . . .
Discuss Version 0.60 DevTrackLast modified Sun Oct 29 11:41:47 UTC 2017 . . . se be read only once per "session" within Aneuch. There is a small concern
about the speed reduction that may take place loading a large preferences databa . . .
WhatIsAWikiLast modified Sat Nov 8 01:27:41 UTC 2014 . . . saWiki]]
* [[]]
* [[http://webtrends.]]
* [[]] . . .
What Is AneuchLast modified Fri Oct 24 19:40:19 UTC 2014 . . . mplementing things one by one until Aneuch became what it is today. (See [[
Yes, I know there are a bunch of other wiki engines out there. Some ar . . .
Version 0.50 ChangelogLast modified Thu Feb 18 03:23:14 UTC 2016 . . . () on $contents (fed from $f{text}); use a span with red color for message
about being defined as a special page
- ListAllFiles: Remove -P option off g . . .
FeaturesLast modified Mon Oct 16 00:26:29 UTC 2017 . . . xtensible via [[Plugins]]
* Extensible even via the file!
* Just
about every part of the core of Aneuch can be replaced/extended
* Easy [[APIs|AP . . .
WikiNodeLast modified Wed Mar 18 16:16:06 UTC 2015 . . . served as early inspiration for the development direction of Aneuch (see [[
===External Sources
* [[ . . .
Discuss InstallingLast modified Mon Oct 31 23:17:44 UTC 2016 . . . 20:30 UTC 2016// (
Hi there, unfortunately I know nothing
about nginx. However, a web search pointed me here: [[ . . .
Deleting PagesLast modified Sun Jun 25 12:41:50 UTC 2017 . . . clicking the force delete link next to the desired page.
For information
about the different methods of deleting pages, see [[Immediate vs Delayed Deleti . . .
LicenseLast modified Sun Oct 29 15:12:35 UTC 2017 . . . //in my opinion.//
Basically, this license gives you the right to do just
about anything with the code you want, subject
to the conditions of the license. . . .
SiteMapLast modified Sat Sep 3 23:19:02 UTC 2016 . . . re]]
* [[License]]
* [[Spam]]
* [[News]]
* [[WhatIsAWiki]]
* [[
* [[AaronGraves]]
* [[WikiNode]]
===Aneuch Versions
* [[Version_0_10]]
. . .
Comparing Filesystems and DatabasesLast modified Thu Aug 1 15:01:18 UTC 2013 . . . When [[|asked]]
about the advantages of a MySQL database over text files as far as data storage . . .
CreoleTestLast modified Tue Jul 10 18:36:58 UTC 2012 . . . interwiki links are setup in your wiki, this links to the WikiCreole page
about Creole 1.0 test cases: [[WikiCreole:Creole1.0TestCases]]. . . .
Version 0 20Last modified Fri Mar 14 02:33:02 UTC 2014 . . . {{right:Greek_beta|Beta}}
This page is all
about version 0.20 of Aneuch. This is the successor to [[Version_0_10|version 0. . . .
RecentVisitorsLast modified Wed Oct 22 17:36:16 UTC 2014 . . . , feel free to link your name to a page of the same name and add some info
about yourself there.
* [[AaronGraves]]
. . .
Discuss Script FlowLast modified Thu Aug 29 01:58:38 UTC 2013 . . .
There has been some thought
about moving DoVisit to before (or even during) DoRequest. The benefit of this w . . .
PluginsLast modified Sat Dec 19 13:58:42 UTC 2020 . . . %info This page is all
about the available plugins for Aneuch. For information on developing plugins, s . . .
Version TemplateLast modified Tue Mar 24 20:43:14 UTC 2015 . . . This page is all
about version VERSION of the [[What Is Aneuch|Aneuch wiki engine]]. This is the . . .
Version 0.30Last modified Mon Mar 17 15:02:29 UTC 2014 . . . This page is all
about version 0.30 of the [[What Is Aneuch|Aneuch wiki engine]]. This is the suc . . .
Version 0.60Last modified Sat Oct 28 21:40:26 UTC 2017 . . . This page is all
about version 0.60 of the [[What Is Aneuch|Aneuch wiki engine]]. This is the suc . . .
Version 0.50Last modified Fri Jul 8 19:37:56 UTC 2016 . . . This page is all
about version 0.50 of the [[What Is Aneuch|Aneuch wiki engine]]. This is the suc . . .
35 pages found.