Search results for "BannedContent"

Version 0.40 Changelog
Last modified Fri Nov 14 15:27:25 UTC 2014
. . . ints - DoAdminBlock: Form() now returns instead of prints - DoAdminBannedContent: Form() now returns instead of prints - DoAdminCSS: Form() now returns . . . ink(). Changed call on RegCommand for 'revision'. Removed RegAdminPage 'getbannedcontentfile'. Removed RegShortCode call on 'blog'. - Removed sub DoBlog - . . . oAdminUnlock - DoAdminBlock: Add <br/> before save button - DoAdminBannedContent: Remove bit about pre-populating with default BannedContentFile, add <br/> . . . nRobotsTxt: Add <br/> before save button - Commented out sub DoAdminGetBannedContentFile - It wasn't working anyways. - DoAdmin: Minor change to back link, . . . ts to DoRobotsTxt() - InitVars: Call RegAdminPage for robotstxt and getbannedcontentfile - InitVars: Call RegPostAction for robotstxt, points to DoPostingR . . . - DoAdminBlock: Surround the blocked count with <strong> - DoAdminBannedContent: Surround the blocked count with <strong>, added link to call getbannedcon . . . Txt - Admin page for editing the robots.txt file - Wrote sub DoAdminGetBannedContentFile - Supposed to retrieve the distrubted BannedContentFile from aneuch.or . . . AdminBlock: Call Form() instead of manually building the form - DoAdminBannedContent: Call Form() instead of manually building the form - DoAdminCSS: Call . . . - Wrote sub StartForm - Returns the start of a multipart form - IsBannedContent: If the text is a file upload, return 0. Also replace %FORM with GetParam . . . (for CGI) - DoPostingBlockList: use GetParam (for CGI) - DoPostingBannedContent: use GetParam (for CGI) - DoPostinCSS: use GetParam (for CGI) - Wr . . .

Version 0.30 Changelog
Last modified Fri Feb 21 04:12:14 UTC 2014
. . . clearing the log file * DoAdminBlock: Add <br/> after </textarea> * DoAdminBannedContent: Add <br/> after </textarea> * PassesSpamCheck: BUGFIX: checksum was askin . . . directly * AntiSpam: Add an extra <br/> before the question is printed * IsBannedContent: Removal of comments and blank lines combined into one grep statement, als . . . minListVisitors: Include a form for easy entry to the limit param * DoAdminBannedContent: Provide the count of the number of rules loaded * PassesSpamCheck: If $FO . . . Added %QuestionAnswer section * Added vars %QuestionAnswer and $BannedContent * Added more comments throughout the entire script * InitVars: Moved $NewP . . . nitVars: Removed lod $NavBar code that was commented out * InitVars: Added bannedcontent to %AdminActions, %AdminList, and %PostingActions * Markup: Removed commen . . . ted code at bottom * InitDirs: Added $BannedContent under $BlockedList * SetCookie: Added check to remove trailing slash from . . . r "index" * DoAdminBlock: Change rows on textarea to 30 * Wrote sub DoAdminBannedContent - Handles the $BannedContent file * RedHerringForm: Print directly instead . . . e sub AntiSpam - Handles the Question and Answer for TextCha * Wrote sub IsBannedContent - Checks the submitted data against $BannedContent * Wrote sub PassesSpamC . . . ngDiscuss: Call PassesSpamCheck() before AppendFile() * Wrote sub DoPostingBannedContent - Handles the POST even for updating $BannedContent from the admin interfa . . .

Last modified Sun Jun 25 12:49:59 UTC 2017
. . . questions from other sites (or spammers might try to adapt to this). ===[[BannedContent]] Finally, Aneuch implements a banned content feature. Using rules that an . . . rg/wiki/Regular_expression|regular expressions]] (or pre-load our global [[BannedContentFile]]). ===Administrative Bypassing It should be noted that if a user is . . .

Version 0.50 Changelog
Last modified Thu Feb 18 03:23:14 UTC 2016
. . . ns' and 'deleted'; call RegDashboardItem() for DashboardDatabase, DashboardBannedContents and DashboardBannedUsers - DoCSS: If a $Theme is set, and a style.css . . . e admin dashboard out into individual routines DashboardDatabase, DashboardBannedContents and DashboardBannedUsers, and wrote sub DoAdminDashboard - DoLinkedPa . . .

Last modified Wed Aug 28 20:32:37 UTC 2013
. . . ords //b**ass**//, //**ass**ociate//, etc. We publish the contents of the BannedContent file used here on the Aneuch wiki on the page [[BannedContentFile]]. Feel . . . free to copy the contents of that into your own BannedContent file. ---- CategoryDocumentation . . .

Discuss Spam Work
Last modified Sun Jun 26 18:26:47 UTC 2016
. . . t human-generated spam. That is why the next thing I'm working on will be BannedContent. This will allow an administrator to set a list of regular expressions whi . . .

Last modified Sat Dec 12 17:57:01 UTC 2015
. . . euch wiki. Occasionally, you may have to [[Blocking|block]] somebody, or [[BannedContent|ban content]]. Additionally, if you are [[Upgrading]], be sure to check if . . .

Discuss Spam
Last modified Wed Feb 22 17:13:54 UTC 2017
. . . he spammers. At a guess, I would have to say it has a lot to do with the [[BannedContent]] feature. -- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Wed Feb 26 18:48:58 UTC 2014/ . . .

Discuss Version 0.30 DevTrack
Last modified Fri Feb 14 03:24:57 UTC 2014
. . . ver it will not affect human spammers in any way. That's coming next, with BannedContent. -- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Mon Aug 5 02:42:21 UTC 2013// (174.74. . . .

Discuss BannedContentFile
Last modified Fri Jun 24 04:41:32 UTC 2016
. . . The BannedContentFile was updated today to include a new URL that was targeting some sites. . . .

Last modified Wed Nov 16 00:31:40 UTC 2016

11 pages found.