Search results for "Future"
Version 0.30 ChangelogLast modified Fri Feb 21 04:12:14 UTC 2014 . . . exactly the same thing that IsAdmin does, however this could change in the
* DoAdmin: Added a "go back" link at the bottom
* Init: Move DoPostInit() . . . hen building $NavBar
* Wrote sub DoCSS - Will handle CSS for themes in the
* MarkupBuildLink: Check for CanEdit() before giving edit link
* Wrote sub . . . all Notify() at the end
* Wrote sub Notify: Does nothing now, reserved for
future usage
* Changed every instance of a call to GetPage to refer to just the p . . . t on the output of GetDiscussionSeparator() in case it's not "----" in the
commit cc40733cb9f811d4eae902b0f4004292fa86c445\\
Author: Aaron J. Grave . . . ter - Replacement for InitTemplate (will include default theme in the near
* Markup: Added 4x~, which calls GetSignature()
* Markup: Changed the way . . . ve signature from preview FIXME: Call GetDiscussionSeparator() here in the
* DoDiscuss: Now use 'placeholder' element instead of onfocus and onblur . . .
HomePageLast modified Thu Feb 18 03:09:12 UTC 2016 . . . code and of the features), ACL's//
See also: [[Features]], [[Issues]], [[
Future]], [[Feature Requests]]
===Helping Out===
If you wish to get involved in . . .
FutureLast modified Mon Oct 16 01:03:30 UTC 2017 . . . I will use this page to discuss things that I want to add to Aneuch in the
future. Think of this as a "wish list" of sorts. If you'd like to request a featu . . .
Discuss Version 0 20 DevTracLast modified Tue Apr 23 18:43:06 UTC 2013 . . .
I've written a plugin that implements shortcodes (as mentioned on [[
Future]]). I don't see any reason why I can't merge the code into the main source . . .
Discuss SpamLast modified Wed Feb 22 17:13:54 UTC 2017 . . . been zero (zilch, nada, nothing, nein, nyet) successful spam attacks.
future releases, I want to implement more logging about which exact rule is getti . . .
Discuss MarkupLast modified Thu Sep 6 22:08:04 UTC 2018 . . . 72`
Be sure to let me know if there's any features you'd like to see in a
future release!
-- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Thu Sep 6 22:08:04 UTC 2018// . . .
Discuss Version 0 20Last modified Tue Apr 9 19:04:16 UTC 2013 . . . -
Blocking has been implemented. It's based on (singular) IP address. For
future: Allow blocking of ranges and subnets.
- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Th . . .
Discuss FutureLast modified Wed Jan 7 14:23:33 UTC 2015 . . . 131.58.186)
That is an application for it that I could look into for
future releases.
One could remove the `?do=` and similar actions using some cle . . .
Version 0.30 DevTrackLast modified Mon Feb 17 20:27:11 UTC 2014 . . . e relevant sections, and you're done!
As mentioned on the [[
Future#Shortcodes]] page, I'd like to implement shortcodes. A plugin can register . . .
SiteMapLast modified Sat Sep 3 23:19:02 UTC 2016 . . . locking]]
===Getting Involved
* [[Support]]
* [[Source]]
* [[Issues]]
* [[
* [[License]]
* [[Spam]]
* [[News]]
* [[WhatIsAWiki]]
* [[Ab . . .
Security ConsiderationsLast modified Sun Feb 12 15:46:20 UTC 2017 . . . t be able to do much damage.
I will figure out a way to address this in a
future version of Aneuch.
===Cookie Lifetime and Shared Browsers
If you operate . . .
Discuss Version 0.30 DevTrackLast modified Fri Feb 14 03:24:57 UTC 2014 . . . e, however I have updated the htaccess.dist file which will be included in
future tarballs.
-- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Thu Aug 1 23:14:11 UTC 2013// . . .
What Is AneuchLast modified Fri Oct 24 19:40:19 UTC 2014 . . . products without any restrictions on the availability of your code or your
future behavior.
While the mainline Aneuch development will always remain free a . . .
Considerations for moving to a DB back-endLast modified Tue May 10 01:10:54 UTC 2016 . . . gin to allow Aneuch to use a database as its back-end sometime in the near
future. However, I will likely only write a plugin to use MySQL. The purpose of t . . .
Developing ThemesLast modified Thu Nov 23 02:44:22 UTC 2017 . . . ime of the current page, if any. Will be appended with the search form (in
future versions, I will find another way to include the search form)
**$PostFoot . . .
Version 0.40 DevTrackLast modified Fri Nov 7 17:23:30 UTC 2014 . . . of Aneuch should allow file uploads.
As mentioned on the [[
Future#Shortcodes]] page, I'd like to implement shortcodes. A plugin can register . . .
Version 0.40 ChangelogLast modified Fri Nov 14 15:27:25 UTC 2014 . . . ne to include the 'w' and 'T' switches. Not sure about keeping this in the
- Added "use CGI" statement
- Uncommented the "use CGI::Carp qw(f . . .
Spam WorkLast modified Mon Aug 19 20:52:27 UTC 2013 . . . tp://]] for more info) Also, in the
future a new variable will be introduced that will affect the visibility of the s . . .
Vision PlanningLast modified Fri Oct 10 18:24:03 UTC 2014 . . . a vision statement is.
A //**vision statement**// is the view of the
future state of the organization or department. It is an ideal picture of what th . . .
Discuss UsersLast modified Wed Jun 1 20:01:06 UTC 2016 . . . Not a user yet, but I feel I may be in the
future :P
-- TomMewett //Sat Sep 7 16:04:35 UTC 2013// (
Wo . . .
20 pages found.