Search results for "HomePage"
ConfiguringLast modified Fri Nov 14 01:56:49 UTC 2014 . . . r website address, and does not include 'SomePage'). The default value is '
HomePage', and is a fairly sane default.
**$DiscussPrefix** - This variable determ . . . will use. The default is 'Discuss_', which means the discussion page for '
HomePage' would be 'Discuss_
HomePage'. This is a sane default.
**$CookieName** - T . . .
Version 0 20 DevTracLast modified Mon Apr 29 19:19:34 UTC 2013 . . . same method as the archive directory uses). So for example, your main page
HomePage will no longer be in $PageDir/
HomePage, but will now be $PageDir/H/HomePag . . .
Developing PluginsLast modified Mon Jul 18 22:56:20 UTC 2016 . . . which contains plugin name, version, and a description and link to plugin
homepage. An example would be:
**`push @Plugins, "<a href='http://aneuch.myunixhos . . .
Discuss Version 0.30 DevTrackLast modified Fri Feb 14 03:24:57 UTC 2014 . . . , which allows you to have URLs similar to
HomePage. This does not require a change in the .htaccess file, however I have upda . . .
AboutLast modified Mon May 31 14:31:10 UTC 2021 . . . dedicated to your
software using said software? And thus you have Aneuch's
This website will always run the latest development version of Aneuch. T . . .
Discuss Version 0 20 DevTracLast modified Tue Apr 23 18:43:06 UTC 2013 . . . sly, the request would be the pagename, a period, and the revision number (
HomePage.5 as an example). Now the request would look like "?do=revision;page=HomeP . . .
SiteMapLast modified Sat Sep 3 23:19:02 UTC 2016 . . . ght direction if you're not quite sure where to go.
==Getting Started
* [[
* [[What Is Aneuch]]
* [[Features]]
* [[Installing . . .
APIs RegCommandLast modified Fri Oct 24 13:40:29 UTC 2014 . . . the visitor log (as an example) as "was viewing revision **10** of page **
. . .
HomePageLast modified Thu Feb 18 03:09:12 UTC 20169 pages found.