Search results for "Markup"

Version 0.30 Changelog
Last modified Fri Feb 21 04:12:14 UTC 2014
. . . RandomText * InitVars: Added code to generate $AdminText and $RandomText * MarkupBuildLink: Check for the presence of '?', and if it exists, strip it and tr . . . ing $NavBar * Wrote sub DoCSS - Will handle CSS for themes in the future * MarkupBuildLink: Check for CanEdit() before giving edit link * Wrote sub GetArchi . . . History" * InitVars: Call ReplaceSpaces() instead of direct substitution * MarkupBuildLink: Change way links are parsed * Markup: Check $UserName instead of . . . uss-form" to <p> element just before form * DoDiscuss: Add hidden div with MarkupHelp(), and link to unhide the div * DoSearch: Call ReplaceSpaces() instead . . . acement for InitTemplate (will include default theme in the near future) * Markup: Added 4x~, which calls GetSignature() * Markup: Changed the way headers a . . . re discovered/written, also adds id= (for anchors/TOC later) * Wrote sub MarkupHelp - Displays a helpful style guide below the page editor * Wrote sub Reg . . . the call (so user gets right back to where they left off) * Wrote sub StripMarkup - Returns only alphanumeric text, and spaces and underscores * Wrote sub I . . .>\\ Date: Mon Aug 12 09:44:30 2013 -0500 * Markup: Check for '#NOWIKI' right at the beginning, and if matched, return. * Mar . . . kup: Comment previous '!! nomarkup' check. * DoAdminListVisitors: Add a form at the top which allows you to s . . . ck users"- * InitVars: Declare special pages at end using SetSpecialPage * MarkupBuildLink: Add rel-"nofollow" to edit links * Wrote sub SetSpecialPage - Li . . . s: Added bannedcontent to %AdminActions, %AdminList, and %PostingActions * Markup: Removed commented code at bottom * InitDirs: Added $BannedContent under $ . . . ERY_STRING is empty, use PATH_INFO for $Page, otherwise use QUERY_STRING * MarkupBuildLink: When building a link for internal pages, if the page does not ex . . . %Commands * InitVars: Added 'commenting' to %PostingActions * Created sub MarkupBuildLink - takes everything between [[ and ]] and returns a properly forma . . . tted href anchor * Markup: Commented existing link checking code, added new line that calls MarkupBu . . .

Version 0.40 Changelog
Last modified Fri Nov 14 15:27:25 UTC 2014
. . . n exists before offering to edit it, remove RegCommand on 'revision' - MarkupImage: Use $Url instead of $ShortUrl - DoSpecialPage: Return if a revis . . . file'. Removed RegShortCode call on 'blog'. - Removed sub DoBlog - MarkupBuildLink: Use methods to generate links. Call CommandLink() for the . . . edit link. - Markup: Introduced triple-braces to generate <pre> tags, began preparing for trip . . . eader: Use "searchbox" as the id for the div around the search form. - MarkupBuildLink: Underline the page name in red dashed line if it doesn't yet exi . . . st - Markup: #NOWIKI is handled a little differently - RegCommand: Allow $display . . . 'search' - Wrote sub DoBlog - Returns a listing of blog entries - MarkupBuildLink: Add quotes around page name when building create page link - . . . Wrote sub MarkupShortcode - Searches for defined shortcodes, then executes the associated s . . . ub - Markup: Check for shortcodes at the end - Wrote sub RegShortCode - Registers . . . her than $Page - DoRevert: Add rel='nofollow' on "YES" link - StripMarkup: Added "-" to the list of items acceptable. - DoRequest: Removed hard- . . . rs: Call RegAdminPage on 'files', which points to DoAdminListFiles() - MarkupImage: Fixed bug whereby external images (with http://) were getting clobbe . . . rom GetParam('page') to $Page... don't know if this is still needed. - MarkupBuildLink: Don't strip a query string from the link text anymore - Wrot . . . e sub MarkupImage - Handles the image stuff of the markup tag {{}} - Markup: Call MarkupImage() on image tags - Wrote sub PageIsFile - Returns 1 i . . .

Discuss Version 0.30 DevTrack
Last modified Fri Feb 14 03:24:57 UTC 2014
. . . 17:58:39 UTC 2013// ( ---- Link behavior was changed in the **Markup()** sub. Now if you create a link to a page that does not exist, the name . . . d that. Aneuch has a plugin interface, and as such, the creole-compatible markup engine can be replaced by any number of other engines (markdown, MediaWiki . . . , etc). So, if the shortcodes get replaced before Markup is called, as long as the injected text is the same as the current markup . . . eat. But woe to the administrator of the wiki who has replaced the default markup engine with, say, markdown, and installed a plugin that expects (and outpu . . . ts) creole. The alternative to this is to replace the shortcodes post-markup, with the understanding that all injected text must be html formatted. How . . .

Version 0.50 Changelog
Last modified Thu Feb 18 03:23:14 UTC 2016
. . . @array (PERL compatibility), RegCommand and RegRawHandler on 'view' - MarkupBuildLink: Handle mailto: links - MarkupImage: Call 'view' instead of ' . . . ngs, and call SanitizeFileName(). Call RegPostAction for 'quickedit' - Markup: Now do <blockquote> for 4 leading spaces. Re-arrange the way lists are do . . .> Date: Thu Oct 1 11:36:59 2015 -0500 - MarkupBuildLink: Only remove everything after a # if the link address is the same . . . oved some commented code - DoFooter: Removed some commented code - MarkupBuildLink: Split if statement to several lines (readability) - DoEdit: . . .

Version 0.20 Changelog
Last modified Wed May 1 15:53:32 UTC 2013
. . . that points to DoRevert() * InitTemplate: Change code to use $Template * Markup: Multi-level lists are now possible * InitDirs: Set $TemplateDir, mkdir i . . . RC and %MaintActions * InitVars: Initialize $PurgeRC and %MaintActions * Markup: Change LI (both OL and UL) to match multi-line, even though it does nothi . . . ng the way Markup works right now. * Markup: Added condition for strikethough that there cannot be whitespace before t . . . ons and %AdminList * InitConfig: Added definitions for %PostingActions * Markup: Changed forced line break to globally search (g modifier to s///) * Init . . .

Last modified Mon Oct 16 01:03:30 UTC 2017
. . . there is a practical use for this, but hey, why not. -- [[AaronGraves]] ==Markup== While the [[Markup]] engine works, it's quite ugly. Ultimately, I'd like . . . to re-write the markup engine as a state machine. Until I do this, the engine will not be 100% co . . . e with Creole syntax. (See [[CreoleTest]]) -- [[AaronGraves]] Speaking of Markup, I need to get tables implemented. I'll target the 0.40 release of Aneuch . . . d of recent changes. Maybe even parse external RSS feeds within the wiki markup? ==Subscriptions I'd like to add individual page subscriptions, so that u . . .

Script Flow
Last modified Sun Jun 16 21:40:10 UTC 2019
. . . appears that there is nothing here.') ** OR if the page does exist, and **Markup()** exists: *** **Markup**\\Send the text from $Page to **Markup()**, whic . . . h should return properly formatted HTML. **** **MarkupBuildLink**\\Takes any text between two ['s and two ]'s and returns an HTML . . . anchor element (<a>). ** IF Markup does not exist: *** Send the text from $Page out to the browser ** **DoSpe . . .

Developing Plugins
Last modified Mon Jul 18 22:56:20 UTC 2016
. . .</a>, version 1.0 - Allows the use of plain HTML pages (instead of markup)";`** After this, a plugin may begin defining variables and subs as it se . . . . A plugin may replace a built-in sub by doing the following: **`*OldMarkup = \&Markup;\\*Markup = \&NewMarkup;`** And then go on to define sub NewMa . . .

Last modified Thu Feb 18 03:09:12 UTC 2016
. . . se will be [[Version 0.60]]. Some of the goals of this project are: * A [[Markup]] engine compatible with [[|Creole]] * [[Themes| . . . nstructions. ===Status=== What works, and what doesn't? **Working:** //[[Markup]], editing, archiving, [[Plugins]], [[Themes]], [[Discussion Pages]], [[Re . . .

Considerations for moving to a DB back-end
Last modified Tue May 10 01:10:54 UTC 2016
. . . t summary included by the author * **text** - The text of the page itself (markup, contents, etc) * **ts** - The timestamp of the page, in seconds since the . . . ories, only the bare file name) * **$content** - The contents of the page (markup, etc) * **$user** - The author making the modification WritePage will fig . . .

APIs RegShortCode
Last modified Wed May 14 15:38:37 UTC 2014
. . . rint directly, rather, they return text (which must be HTML formatted, not Markup formatted as this will get called after **Markup()** is run). It should b . . .

Last modified Sat Dec 12 17:57:01 UTC 2015
. . . derations]]. ===Users Users of the wiki can get assistance in using the [[Markup]] language, and how to [[Creating_Pages|create]] and [[Deleting_Pages|dele . . .

Last modified Mon Oct 16 00:26:29 UTC 2017
. . . over the myriad of choices in wiki engines, just refer to this page. ===[[Markup]] * **Bold**, //Italic//, __underline__, --strikethrough--, `teletype` tex . . .

Version 0 10
Last modified Fri Mar 14 02:30:21 UTC 2014
. . .|aneuch_0.10.tgz]]** Required features: * Markup engine (Constantly evolving) * --Editing-- Done. * --Full revision history . . .

Discuss Markup
Last modified Thu Sep 6 22:08:04 UTC 2018
. . . d text can be entered like such: (edit this page to see how it look in the markup) {{{ This is pre-formatted text. }}} -- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Su . . .

Last modified Mon Jul 18 03:05:13 UTC 2016
. . . wiki engine attempts to implement the [[|Creole]] markup language, with a few deviations (and a few additions). You can see the che . . .

Last modified Mon May 31 14:31:10 UTC 2021
. . . but never got very indepth with them, and I became intrigued with how the markup syntax worked. Just for fun, I threw together a quick script in PERL that . . .

Version 0.30 DevTrack
Last modified Mon Feb 17 20:27:11 UTC 2014
. . . iew" button and get a look at how your page will look once run through the markup engine. However, you cannot currently do this with a discussion page post . . .

Version 0 20 DevTrac
Last modified Mon Apr 29 19:19:34 UTC 2013
. . . ons to compare - Done 04/22/13 * Revert to past revision - Done 04/22/13 * Markup: Multi-level lists implemented - Done 04/22/13 ===Maintenance tasks Here . . .

Version 0.21 Changelog
Last modified Tue Jul 23 15:52:22 UTC 2013
. . . ead of $Url$DefaultPage; replace spaces with underscores in @NavBarPages * Markup: Call ReplaceSpaces on any internal links, also prepend with $ShortUrl; Ch . . .

What Is Aneuch
Last modified Fri Oct 24 19:40:19 UTC 2014
. . . es of "Portions of this program Copyright (C) Aaron Graves." ===Goals * A Markup engine compatible with Creole * Themeable * Extensible (plugin support) * . . .

Last modified Wed Aug 28 20:32:37 UTC 2013
. . . ock anything that starts with [url= (which is BBCode, and not valid Creole markup) `\[url=` You can also use a bare word, for example "viagra" or similar. . . .

Version 0.21
Last modified Wed Mar 18 03:34:53 UTC 2015
. . . roken links" * [[|Issue 10]], "Markup: Internal links with spaces should be converted to underscores" Download . . .

Last modified Sat Nov 8 01:27:41 UTC 2014
. . . to create and modify pages on the fly using their web browser, and a basic markup syntax. The wiki platform allows collaboration and group communication qu . . .

Last modified Sat Sep 3 23:19:02 UTC 2016
. . . ===[[Documentation]] * [[Features]] * [[Installing]] * [[Configuring]] * [[Markup]] * [[Creating_Pages]] * [[Deleting_Pages]] * [[Themes]] * [[Plugins]] * [ . . .

Last modified Tue Jul 10 18:36:58 UTC 2012
. . . This page is specifically designed to test the compatibility of the [[Markup]] engine with the [[|Creole syntax]]. Everything belo . . .

Version 0.41 Changelog
Last modified Fri Nov 14 15:19:50 UTC 2014
. . .> Date: Fri Nov 14 09:00:43 2014 -0600 - Markup: If <pre> tags, call QuoteHTML(), otherwise don't. }}} . . .

Discuss Plugins NoWikiMarkup
Last modified Mon Jul 4 03:29:03 UTC 2016
. . . I attempted to change to but, the page is locked. -- Russ //Sun Jun 26 18:49:24 UTC 2016 . . .

Last modified Wed Jul 6 17:37:48 UTC 2016
. . . ntent on it. It is set to block bots from crawling it. You may need the [[Markup]] guide to get you started. . . .

29 pages found.