Search results for "Rate Limiting"
Version 0.30 DevTrackLast modified Mon Feb 17 20:27:11 UTC 2014 . . . [[Spam]]
Anti-spam should be at the top of the priority list for 0.30.
Rate limiting
[[|Oddmuse]] has a feature called [ . . .
Version 0.30Last modified Mon Mar 17 15:02:29 UTC 2014 . . . to call a simple subroutine rather than modify hash values directly.
Rate Limiting]]** - A form of protection against too many hits in too short of time (not . . .
FeaturesLast modified Mon Oct 16 00:26:29 UTC 2017 . . . system_vs_Database]])
* Edit locking
* [[Themes]] support
* [[Search]]
* [[
Rate Limiting]]
* [[File Uploads]]
* Easily extensible via [[Plugins]] . . .
Discuss Rate LimitingLast modified Sun Oct 22 11:38:31 UTC 2017 . . .
I should look at the default values for
rate limiting in 0.60. Since 0.40 when [[File Uploads]] were introduced, it's entirely p . . .
Rate LimitingLast modified Mon Sep 7 16:07:39 UTC 2015 . . . Aneuch implements a
rate limiting or "surge protection" feature, similar to Oddmuse's [[ . . .
5 pages found.