Search results for "Search"
Version 0.30 ChangelogLast modified Fri Feb 21 04:12:14 UTC 2014 . . . es <>\\
Date: Thu Feb 20 21:24:10 2014 -0600
* Do
Search: Changed surrounding character count from 25 to 75 characters
commit 2fa1 . . . ep 13 14:46:59 2013 -0500
* InitVars: Modify GetParam call for "
Search for" to return empty string (default was 0)
* InitVars: Only call ReplaceS . . . ecksum was asking for $FORM{question}, should have been $FORM{session}
* Do
Search: GetPage call now uses $fn instead of $file
* DoHistory: Show IP addresses . . . the StringToFile call into multiple lines for readability
* DoVisit: If do=
search, set $mypage to parameter
search, otherwise $Page
commit 1145b6b3556b7b37 . . . oDiscuss: Add hidden div with MarkupHelp(), and link to unhide the div
* Do
Search: Call ReplaceSpaces() instead of doing it manually
* Do
Search: Add two lin . . . e breaks after "Anothing found!"
* Do
Search: Add "pages found" count at the bottom of
search results
* DoHistory: Call . . . RecentChanges: Only link author name if a page of the same name exists
* Do
Search: Use 'placeholder' element on input box, and if the '
search' parameter has . . . ove local $sig all together
* DoAdminListVisitors: Change submit button on
search form from "Limit" to "
* DoDiscuss: Check if a preview file exists, . . . g the default text.
* DoDiscuss: Added "Preview" button next to "Save"
* Do
Search: Added check for no
search parameter. If none, give up.
SearchForm: Chan . . . Request: Added call for DoSurgeProtection();
* TEMPLATE: Changed $Page to $
SearchPage in the
search link
commit 770307e8c3957533fa643db142487aec093978fe\\
. . . it in the password input field
* DoAdminListVisitors: Make sure the limit=
search is case insensitive
* DoAdmin: Sort %AdminList alphabetically by value, th . . . the list
* DoDiscuss: Add open and close paragraph tag before the form
* Do
Search: new var $alt
search, which is $
search with spaces replaced by underscores. . . . This allows a
search for "test test" to match the page name
* DoRequest: $
SearchPage will now always be the $PageName with spaces replaced by '+'
* DoReque . . . n 'limit'
* DoAdminBlock: Added text at top about regex's and comments
* Do
Search: Instead of $ArgList, use GetParam on '
SearchForm: Changed input . . . name from page to
* DoVisit: Changed to use GetParam
* DoDiff: Changed to use GetParam
* DoD . . . comments
* DoRequest: Changed to use GetParam
* TEMPLATE: Changed link to
search to use '
search' param instead of 'page'
commit 872cfc9ca4778c699a1f9910c0 . . .
Version 0.40 ChangelogLast modified Fri Nov 14 15:27:25 UTC 2014 . . . ialize $PurgeDeletedPage to 2 weeks
- InitVars: Include the quotes in '
search' RegCommand
- InitVars: Removed the RegCommand for 'delete', added Reg . . . MaintActions manually, use the new RegMaintAction API
- DoHeader: Use "
searchbox" as the id for the div around the
search form.
- MarkupBuildLink: U . . . emoved all hard-coded command translation, call CommandDisplay now
- Do
SearchShortCode: Allow "extras" to be included that will be tacked on to the URL, . . . such as "summary=0" etc
- Do
Search: If param summary=0, don't show the text from the page (simply show the li . . .
- DoRequest: Use param 'revision' instead of 'rev'
- CSS: Rename #
search to #
commit 6a019013c66e2495c6d8bd0be0b74afe3269f84e
Author: Aar . . . SpamLog and $LogSpam
- InitVars: defined $LogSpam and $SpamLog
- Do
Search: Remove "Nothing found!" comment, changed page titles to use <big> tag, ad . . . ded suggestion at the bottom of the
search page to create a page if no results found.
- DoRevert: Check for IsAdm . . . the HTTP Status is set
- DoRequest: Commented out the block that bans
searching from outside the site. This really isn't a bad thing I don't think. It . . . the way $NavBar is built
- InitVars: Register short codes 'blog' and '
- Wrote sub DoBlog - Returns a listing of blog entries
- MarkupBu . . . page name when building create page link
- Wrote sub MarkupShortcode -
Searches for defined shortcodes, then executes the associated sub
- Markup: C . . . - Generates an HTML form element based on input received
- Wrote sub Do
SearchShortCode - Returns a link to
search for the text within the shortcode
. . . ceptable.
- DoRequest: Removed hard-coded URL on $referer checking for
- CSS: Added .navigation li block
commit ef3d3535918af92b199 . . . and changed the way $Page was determined
- InitVars: Call SetParam on '
search' after replacing spaces
- InitVars: Changed how redirect is done for t . . . - Wrote sub DoDownload - Handles the sending out of uploaded files
- Do
Search: Change to use 'grep -Prli' to get a list of pages that contain the
search . . . string, and then open only those pages (speeds up
- StringToFile: Replace %FORM with GetParam (for CGI)
- ReDirect: . . . e call to ReadIn(), remove hard-coded check for 'random' action, block any
search request if referer isn't on the same domain (or is set to a blank
search r . . .
Version 0.20 ChangelogLast modified Wed May 1 15:53:32 UTC 2013 . . .>\\
Date: Tue Apr 23 15:54:32 2013 -0500
* Added vars $
SearchBox, $TemplateDir, $Template
* Regular pages now make use of $ShortDir too . . . make sure all extra text gets into $ArgList (not just first chunk), return
SearchForm() to $
SearchBox, added 'revert' to %Commands that points to DoRevert() . . . ntChanges: Change <h3> to <strong> for date headers, remove "diff" link
SearchForm: Change form action to $ShortUrl
* DoHistory: Change <h3> to <strong> . . . b DoRevert: Revert a page back to a previous state
* DoRequest: Don't add
SearchForm() to $MTime anymore, it has its own place
* TEMPLATE: Add form.
search . . . form to CSS, add $
SearchBox to footer portion
commit 307fc4ff42e30ce7f0f0efce9e02e48512b4e243\\
Au . . .>\\
Date: Tue Apr 16 14:35:54 2013 -0500
* Added $
SearchPage to list of variables
* InitVars: Moved conversion from hex to ascii d . . . part of a command) to underscores and redirect.
* InitVars: If command = '
search', $ArgList is now $Page instead of $PageName (done so
searches including s . . . y appends data, it shows up in a diff as an add rather than a change.
* Do
Search: If nothing is found in the
search, display "Nothing found!";
SearchFor . . . geExists: Made the else line a bit more readable.
* DoRequest: Build the $
SearchPage variable here, since InitDirs() has already been called.
* TEMPLATE: . . . The
search link now points at $
SearchPage rather than $Page
commit aeff644f37f36ebb7414401744bd4fafb9b658b2\\
A . . . uss: Modified so that if IsAdmin, return true regardless of $SiteMode
* Do
Search: Removed /x from regex, as it was messing up
searches with spaces.
* DoVi . . . tions for %PostingActions
* Markup: Changed forced line break to globally
search (g modifier to s///)
* InitDirs: Set $BlockedList
* Index: Added close s . . .
Discuss SearchLast modified Tue Jul 8 16:34:43 UTC 2014 . . .
Search is getting a speed boost in [[Version 0.40]]. See the page [[Discuss Versi . . . ar 10 19:15:08 UTC 2014// (
Also in [[Version 0.40]], any
search request will be denied unless the HTTP referer is set to match the domain . . . the script resides on. Additionally, if the HTTP referer is a blank
search command with no additional data, the request is denied.
Though it's not a . . . on the main Aneuch wiki site that some automated scripts were hitting the
search command with a bunch of random "spammy" type phrases. This could potential . . . aves|AaronGraves]] //Tue Apr 1 20:44:33 UTC 2014// (
search, I need to rethink how the results are weighed. Currently the most matches . . . ng for doesn't mean it'll be the most relevant.
A great example is if you
search Aneuch's own wiki site for the term "%
search install%", the page [[Install . . . ing]] is at the very bottom of the results (and at present, that
search returns 18 pages in its results list). So for someone looking for help on . . . installing Aneuch, they aren't exactly going to get much help through
search (unless they look through all 18 results, but most people will probably gi . . . ve up after the first two or three).
I want to refactor
search to apply some sort of relevancy test. Something so that in the above examp . . . le, a simple
search on the term "install", will produce the top result as the likeliest most r . . . : [[|Building a Vector Space
Search Engine in Perl]]
-- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Tue Jul 8 16:34:43 UTC . . .
SearchLast modified Sun Sep 17 12:50:16 UTC 2017 . . . Aneuch gives you full text
search capabilities.
Not only will your
search query check the contents of each page in your database, but if only the ti . . . tle of the page matches your
search query, that will be returned too!
Search results are sorted in a manner that should provide the most relevant resul . . . t time stamp to oldest.
In the default theme of Aneuch, there should be a
search box that allows you to type your query in. If you're using a theme that do . . . esn't, it should still be relatively easy. You use the '
search' command, along with the '
search=' criteria. For example:
search;s . . . earch=Test`**
This would execute a
search for the term "Test". Not only would documents that include the word test ( . . . or any other variation, tests, testament, etc) show in your
search results, but even the document titled "Last Will and Testament" would show . . . en if no variation of "test" exists in the document outside of its title.
Search is case insensitive (so "Test" would match "test" and "TeST").
Search als . . . o allows you the ability to use regular expressions as your
search criteria. For example:
This criteria woul . . .
Discuss Version 0.30 DevTrackLast modified Fri Feb 14 03:24:57 UTC 2014 . . . m of each page in that category (for example, "CategoryTest"). If you then
search for "CategoryTest", you will see every page with that tag on it.\\\\While . . . from the page name after $CategoryPrefix, so that 'Category_Trucks' would
search for all pages which have a category tag of 'Trucks'). Here is the tricky p . . . le categories). If it's the latter, then DoCategoryPage would have to be a
search function, similar to Do
Search, looking for the category tags on the bottom . . . ries and their associated pages.
The second option is by far the fastest "
search" method for a category page (after all, once the page database gets to a f . . . ew thousand pages,
searching each one would become a resource-intensive task) but potentially the mo . . . t took a couple of seconds for the edit form to display because Aneuch was
searching each file in the page database for the ones that were marked template, . . . uted by the RegSpecialPage function. I've been toying with ideas on how to
search the pages based on the previously mentioned shortcode to gather the catego . . .
Version 0.50 ChangelogLast modified Thu Feb 18 03:23:14 UTC 2016 . . .
- DoAdminDeleted: Began work to allow force deleting
SearchForm: Removed old code, fixed issue where do param was overridden under cer . . . ame
- DashboardDatabase: Add a form for "quick edit/create" page
SearchForm: Re-written to use
- Wrote sub DoPostingQuickedit - For the . . . on (otherwise any links with text including a # will be truncated)
- Do
Search: Call UnquoteHTML on param '
SearchForm: Call UnquoteHTML on . . . param '
- QuoteHTML: Go back to one-off replacements rather than calling esca . . . tion from the grep call... this really needs to be case sensitive.
- Do
Search: Call -E instead of -P for grep (breakfix for platforms that don't support . . .
Discuss Version 0.60 DevTrackLast modified Sun Oct 29 11:41:47 UTC 2017 . . . ->p("awk: ".`awk --version`);
2289: chomp(my @files = `grep -Prl '$Param{'
search'}' $PageDir`);
2990: my $diff = `diff $TempDir/old $TempDir/new`;
3179: . . . ronGraves]] //Thu Jun 23 16:10:23 UTC 2016// (
In `Do
Search`, line 2394:
open my($FILES), "grep -Erli '($
search)' $Pag . . .
APIs RegShortCodeLast modified Wed May 14 15:38:37 UTC 2014 . . . s
These are actual examples from the Aneuch source code:
search', \&Do
SearchShortCode);`**\\In this example, which comes from the InitVars . . . sub, we're registering the '
search' short code, which will call the sub **Do
. . .
Spam WorkLast modified Mon Aug 19 20:52:27 UTC 2013 . . . ill on the fence about.
* **Honeypot**\\All forms on the site (except the
search form) should have a "honeypot" - that is to say, a separate form that is i . . . re automatically tagged with the "rel=nofollow" attribute. This means that
search engines should not follow the link, thereby defeating the purpose of link . . .
Discuss Version 0.40 DevTrackLast modified Wed Nov 12 16:51:52 UTC 2014 . . . aves|AaronGraves]] //Thu Mar 6 16:16:31 UTC 2014// (
Search()** is going to be re-written to be faster (it's fast if you only have a f . . . aves|AaronGraves]] //Mon Mar 10 16:24:56 UTC 2014// (
search is in place and seems to work fairly well. Unsure at this time if there is . . .
Short CodesLast modified Fri Oct 24 14:47:38 UTC 2014 . . . Built-in Short Codes
Aneuch includes a couple of built-in short codes.
Using this short code, you can create a quick link to the
search feature o . . . f Aneuch. Simply include the term you want to use after the `%
search` parameter is specified.
. . .
Developing ThemesLast modified Thu Nov 23 02:44:22 UTC 2017 . . . last modified time of the current page, if any. Will be appended with the
search form (in future versions, I will find another way to include the
search fo . . .
Discuss InstallingLast modified Mon Oct 31 23:17:44 UTC 2016 . . . )
Hi there, unfortunately I know nothing about nginx. However, a web
search pointed me here: [[]]. See if that help . . .
FeaturesLast modified Mon Oct 16 00:26:29 UTC 2017 . . . s_Aneuch#Filesystem_vs_Database]])
* Edit locking
* [[Themes]] support
* [[
* [[Rate Limiting]]
* [[File Uploads]]
* Easily extens . . .
DocumentationLast modified Sat Dec 12 17:57:01 UTC 2015 . . . icking the below link titled //CategoryDocumentation//, which will in turn
search for any page that has the tag CategoryDocumentation on it.
%category . . .
HomePageLast modified Thu Feb 18 03:09:12 UTC 2016 . . . ]], [[RecentChanges]], viewing revision history, preview, history diffs, [[
Search]], [[Spam|anti-spam]]//
**In the works:** //caching, **[[Documentation]]* . . .
AboutLast modified Mon May 31 14:31:10 UTC 2021 . . . contributed a lot to the
direction of Aneuch.
You see, early on, I began
searching for other wiki engines written in Perl. Despite the ubiquity of php, I . . .
Version 0.40Last modified Mon Nov 24 16:19:47 UTC 2014 . . . d by code in plugins. See the page for more information.
**robots.txt** -
Search engines use the robots.txt file to determine what is and is not allowed to . . .
Version 0 10Last modified Fri Mar 14 02:30:21 UTC 2014 . . . support-- Done.
* --RecentChanges-- Done.
* --Discussion pages-- Done.
* --
Search-- Done.
Optional features:
* --Preview changes while editing-- Done.
* An . . .
Comparing Filesystems and DatabasesLast modified Thu Aug 1 15:01:18 UTC 2013 . . . opers had to take care of all the nasty details already.
* You get a ready
search engine and backlinks, tags, categories -- you can even implement them in e . . .
Discuss Version 0.50 DevTrackLast modified Wed Jun 19 15:56:32 UTC 2024 . . . and have it call sub `DoCategoryPage()` (or similar). This will then run a
search query for all pages tagged with that category.
The only problem now is de . . .
22 pages found.