Search results for "Source"
NewsLast modified Sat Jul 9 12:58:54 UTC 2016 . . . sume "big development"
===March 16th, 2015
Due to the [[http://google-open|announced shutdown of Go . . . ogle code]], I've moved the
source repo for Aneuch to [[|GitHub]]. I've cha . . . ures.
If you're interested in contributing to Aneuch's development, see [[
===March 5th, 2014
Work is underway for [[Version 0.40]]. There's quit . . .
What Is AneuchLast modified Fri Oct 24 19:40:19 UTC 2014 . . . s effectively a statement that you can do anything with the program or its
source, but you do not have any warranty and none of the authors has any liabilit . . . r.
While the mainline Aneuch development will always remain free and open
source, users are able to incorporate code from Aneuch (or a complete derivative . . .
AaronGravesLast modified Tue Nov 27 23:32:46 UTC 2018 . . . 2-206x300.png}}
==About Aaron==
I'm [[
source=sig|Aaron Graves]], original author of Aneuch.
If you want to get in tou . . . tp://|]]
* [[
* [[|LinkedIn] . . .
Plugins SnippetsLast modified Sat Nov 25 16:04:31 UTC 2017 . . . code snippets into your wiki page. This is useful for embedding outside re
Because of the potential for abuse, this plugin only allows administrat . . . ors to input the HTML
source for each snippet code.
Once the plugin is installed, go to the Ad . . .
API TemplateLast modified Tue Mar 24 20:20:39 UTC 2015 . . . *
**** -
This function is not called in the Aneuch
source anywhere, however this is being provided as an example for plugin develope . . . rs.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
. . .
APIs RegShortCodeLast modified Wed May 14 15:38:37 UTC 2014 . . . at: \&SubroutineName
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`RegShortCode('search', \&DoSearchShortCode);`**\\In this example . . .
APIs RegPostActionLast modified Fri Aug 9 16:46:37 UTC 2013 . . . at: \&SubroutineName
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`RegPostAction('login', \&DoPostingLogin);`**\\This will register . . .
APIs RegSpecialPageLast modified Mon Aug 19 17:59:57 UTC 2013 . . . `\&SubroutineName`**
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`RegSpecialPage('RecentChanges', \&DoRecentChanges);`**\\This reg . . .
APIs RegAdminPageLast modified Mon Nov 24 17:47:48 UTC 2014 . . . `\&SubroutineName`**
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`RegAdminPage('version', 'View version information', \&DoAdminVer . . .
APIs RegCommandLast modified Fri Oct 24 13:40:29 UTC 2014 . . . by the page revision
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`RegCommand('admin', \&DoAdmin, 'was in Administrative mode, doin . . .
APIs RegPostInitSubLast modified Mon Aug 19 19:10:52 UTC 2013 . . . at: \&SubroutineName
This function is not called in the Aneuch
source anywhere, however this is being provided as an example for plugin develope . . .
Discuss Version 0 20 DevTracLast modified Tue Apr 23 18:43:06 UTC 2013 . . . Future]]). I don't see any reason why I can't merge the code into the main
source tree for version 0.20 release.
-- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Fri Apr 1 . . .
APIs WriteDBLast modified Thu Feb 20 05:49:47 UTC 2014 . . . le with a backslash)
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`WriteDB("$PageDir/$archive/$file", \%F);`**\\In this example, wh . . .
APIs StringToFileLast modified Mon Aug 19 17:26:29 UTC 2013 . . . write the string to.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`StringToFile(join("\n",@files)."\n","$DataDir/pageindex");`**\\P . . .
APIs FileToStringLast modified Thu Aug 22 18:39:18 UTC 2013 . . . uding the full path.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`my $blocked = FileToString($BlockedList);`**\\In this example, t . . .
APIs GetParamLast modified Mon Oct 30 23:34:03 UTC 2017 . . . fault value defined.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`my $action = GetParam('doing');`**\\Here, the variable `$action` . . .
APIs UnregPostActionLast modified Fri Aug 9 16:49:59 UTC 2013 . . . you wish to remove.
This function is not called in the Aneuch
source anywhere, however this is being provided as an example for plugin develope . . .
APIs ReadDBLast modified Thu Feb 20 06:01:57 UTC 2014 . . . uding the full path.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`%F = ReadDB("$ArchiveDir/$ShortDir/$newrev");`**\\In this exampl . . .
Script FlowLast modified Sun Jun 16 21:40:10 UTC 2019 . . . uch script. It might be useful to both contributors to the mainline Aneuch
source, as well as plugin developers.
* **Init**\\This is the very first subrout . . .
APIs UnregSpecialPageLast modified Fri Aug 9 14:18:01 UTC 2013 . . . e when it is loaded.
This function is not called in the Aneuch
source anywhere, however this is being provided as an example for plugin develope . . .
Comparing Filesystems and DatabasesLast modified Thu Aug 1 15:01:18 UTC 2013 . . . ermanent storage -- this may be important in some hosted environments like
* You can easily write some statistical analysis tools.
* You can ha . . .
APIs UnregAdminPageLast modified Fri Aug 9 15:59:36 UTC 2013 . . . e('myadminfunc');`**
This function is not called in the Aneuch
source anywhere, however this is being provided as an example for plugin develope . . .
WikiNodeLast modified Wed Mar 18 16:16:06 UTC 2015 . . . evelopment direction of Aneuch (see [[About#An_Odd_Sibling]])
* [[|GitHub]]
* [[ . . .
APIs GetPageLast modified Tue Mar 24 20:49:42 UTC 2015 . . . ost recent revision.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`my %F = GetPage(GetParam('page'),GetParam('revision',''));`**\\H . . .
SupportLast modified Fri Nov 7 00:26:09 UTC 2014 . . . can support the Aneuch project.
You can support Aneuch by [[
Source|writing code for it]], both the main Aneuch script itself, or by contribut . . .
APIs QuoteHTMLLast modified Mon Aug 19 17:57:05 UTC 2013 . . . ou want to sanitize.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`$next = QuoteHTML($next);`**\\This call insures that the above m . . .
APIs FileToArrayLast modified Thu Aug 22 18:42:21 UTC 2013 . . . uding the full path.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`@preview = FileToArray("$TempDir/$Page.$UserName");`**\\In this . . .
HomePageLast modified Thu Feb 18 03:09:12 UTC 2016 . . . gine]]// written in PERL by [[AaronGraves|Aaron Graves]]. It is a single [[
Source|PERL script]], and it uses your filesystem rather than a database. (See [[ . . .
Developing ThemesLast modified Thu Nov 23 02:44:22 UTC 2017 . . . updated information on this page it's suggested that you review the Aneuch
source code, specifically the DoHeader, DoFooter, and DoCSS routines.%
Theming A . . .
SiteMapLast modified Sat Sep 3 23:19:02 UTC 2016 . . . ns]]
* [[Upgrading]]
* [[Blocking]]
===Getting Involved
* [[Support]]
* [[
* [[Issues]]
* [[Future]]
* [[License]]
* [[Spam]]
* [[News]]
===Genera . . .
Discuss Version 0.30 DevTrackLast modified Fri Feb 14 03:24:57 UTC 2014 . . . database gets to a few thousand pages, searching each one would become a re
source-intensive task) but potentially the most error-prone (think clobbering the . . .
APIs UnregCommandLast modified Fri Aug 9 16:58:46 UTC 2013 . . . and('mycommand');`**
This function is not called in the Aneuch
source anywhere, however this is being provided as an example for plugin develope . . .
Considerations for moving to a DB back-endLast modified Tue May 10 01:10:54 UTC 2016 . . . l be your job to code those things. Feel free to look into the core Aneuch
source to see what it does.
Depending on the table layout you choose (see [[#Get . . .
Immediate vs Delayed DeletingLast modified Sun Jul 7 14:53:12 UTC 2019 . . .
* Was a tad bit more difficult to implement into Aneuch
Some good re
sources on page clustering, etc can be found here:
* [[ . . .
APIs ListAllPagesLast modified Mon Aug 19 17:27:50 UTC 2013 . . . take any arguments.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`my @files = ListAllPages();`**\\Fills the array @files with the . . .
APIs SetParamLast modified Wed Apr 29 14:35:36 UTC 2015 . . . the parameter named.
These are actual examples from the Aneuch
source code:
**`SetParam('do','posting');`**\\This will set the parameter `do` t . . .
PluginsLast modified Sat Dec 19 13:58:42 UTC 2020 . . . of plugins in the [[|
source repository]].
. . .
Developing PluginsLast modified Mon Jul 18 22:56:20 UTC 2016 . . . /|plugins directory]] in the
source repository.
. . .
SourceLast modified Tue Aug 1 22:29:28 UTC 2017 . . . The
source code for Aneuch is available on the [[|G . . .
Discuss SourceLast modified Sun Jul 10 14:51:07 UTC 201640 pages found.