Search results for "Spam"
SpamLast modified Sun Jun 25 12:49:59 UTC 2017 . . . %notice This page is about Aneuch's anti-
spam features. Previously, it included information about the work that was goin . . . g in to Aneuch in regards to combating
spam. To see that content, visit [[
Spam Work]].%
==Aneuch's Anti-
Spam Capabilities
Spam is a big problem around t . . . ure of a wiki]] and it's "anyone can edit and contribute" stance, fighting
spam is a big deal.
Obviously you don't want to impact the ability of legitima . . . te users of your wiki to contribute. But you also don't want
spammers or other nefarious types to completely ruin your community's collabora . . . tive effort.
It is with this in mind that all anti-
spam features of Aneuch have been carefully considered, not only for the impact . . . have on your users, but the effectiveness they will have against combating
Without further adieu, here is an overview of Aneuch's anti-
spam capabil . . . ` tag to all external links. This is to combat one of the main reasons why
spammers push tons of links onto wiki sites - to increase their pagerank by hav . . . ing tons of incoming links. While this usually won't stop the
spammers from trying, it certainly is effective at stopping what they are tryin . . . rence is, anything submitted through this form is automatically flagged as
spam. The reasoning for this is since a human user can't (under normal circumst . . . form is displayed first before the legitimate edit form, and as such, most
spam bots will see it first, and not even bother with the real form.
This meth . . . od is moderately effective at combating most forms of automated
spam, and should have absolutely no effect on any legitimate user (as they will . . . p://|MoinMoin wiki engine]], which all but eliminated the
spam problem facing MoinMoin powered websites once implemented.
Basically, it' . . . hare your questions with other sites / copy questions from other sites (or
spammers might try to adapt to this).
Finally, Aneuch imp . . . age update. If one of the rules is triggered, the edit will be rejected as
This has the potential for the most impact against your legitimate users . . . hould be noted that if a user is logged in to a site as an admin, then all
spam checks will be bypassed. This is by design, as admins should effectively h . . .
Spam WorkLast modified Mon Aug 19 20:52:27 UTC 2013 . . . Wiki
Spam is a wikiwide problem. It won't be solved but wikiwide. (see [[http://c2.c . . . om/cgi/wiki?Wiki
I'll be using this page to brainstorm on tactics and techniques . . . to use to combat wiki
spam. As you may or may not have noticed, all forms of
editing for non-logged-i . . . ng the use of discussion pages). This was due to being targeted
by various
spam bots.
Once I figure out the
spam problem, I can re-enable (limited) forms . . . ssibility of using [[|TextCha]] for combating wiki
spam. **~[[AaronGraves]]**
In addition to the TextCha, I'd like to implement a . . . ood solution. I'll use a honeypot of sorts on all forms in a hope to catch
spam bots. This is step one. We'll see how effective that becomes, and go from . . . hat is to say, a separate form that is invisible to regular users, but any
spam bot would see it. If there is data submitted in this form (or modified in . . . a field where data already exists), the edit will be rejected as
* **Non-visible fields**\\All legitimate forms should have one or two non . . . ot contain data. If those fields are changed, the edit will be rejected as
* **//Link counting//**\\Count all of the links in a page before edit, an . . . he edit. If more than a certain number have been added, reject the edit as
spam. //(Note that this should probably only apply to external links)//
* **//T . . . ong between the time the form was loaded and submitted, reject the edit as
* **Content filtering**\\Implement a content filtering system, whereby a . . . ions into the filter which, if matched on an edit, the edit is rejected as
spam. MoinMoin has a good [[|BadContent]] fil . . . ccessfully answer a challenge, and if not correct, the edit is rejected as
* **Banning**\\IP based banning is already implemented into Aneuch, howev . . . engines should not follow the link, thereby defeating the purpose of link
. . .
Version 0.30 ChangelogLast modified Fri Feb 21 04:12:14 UTC 2014 . . . er </textarea>
* DoAdminBannedContent: Add <br/> after </textarea>
* Passes
SpamCheck: BUGFIX: checksum was asking for $FORM{question}, should have been $F . . . DB format
* AppendPage: Call WriteDB() now instead of write directly
* Anti
Spam: Add an extra <br/> before the question is printed
* IsBannedContent: Remo . . . dminBannedContent: Provide the count of the number of rules loaded
* Passes
SpamCheck: If $FORM{'answer'} is blank, return 0
* Passes
SpamCheck: Check if th . . . RedHerringForm: Print directly instead of return the form
* Wrote sub Anti
Spam - Handles the Question and Answer for TextCha
* Wrote sub IsBannedContent . . . - Checks the submitted data against $BannedContent
* Wrote sub Passes
SpamCheck - Various anti-
spam check when data is submitted
* DoDiscuss: Print d . . . irectly instead of return discussion form
* DoPostingEditing: Call Passes
SpamCheck() before WriteFile()
* DoPostingDiscuss: Call Passes
SpamCheck() befor . . . :57:59 2013 -0500
* Updated $VERSION to 0.30
* InitVars: Added '
spam' and 'recentchanges' to %Commands
* InitVars: Added 'commenting' to %Posti . . . t the page list in an ordered list
* DoAdminListVisitors: Added check for "
spam" in the action field
* DoAdmin: Call CountAllRevisions() in addition to co . . . e admin page
* Wrote sub RedHerringForm - returns a honeypot form to catch
* DoDiscuss: Call RedHerringForm() before the discussion form
* Wrote . . . sub DoPosting
Spam - handles the POST action when the honeypot form is submitted
* Wrote sub . . . Do
Spam - handles the "
spam" action after honeypot form is submitted
* TEMPLATE: Moved <head> onto it' . . .
Discuss Version 0.30 DevTrackLast modified Fri Feb 14 03:24:57 UTC 2014 . . . que problem. If you have a page that has been unmodified for a year, and a
spammer comes along and
spams it, assuming your **$PurgeArchives** was set to 2 . . . he last good copy of the page will be purged immediately, leaving only the
spammed version. By checking the file modification time instead, it will guaran . . . Answer** hash. This should be an effective deterrent against automated bot
spam, however it will not affect human
spammers in any way. That's coming next, . . . aves]] //Mon Aug 5 02:42:21 UTC 2013// (
A lot of anti-
spam work is taking place in Aneuch 0.30. Read the [[Discuss
Spam Work]] page f . . .
Version 0.40 ChangelogLast modified Fri Nov 14 15:27:25 UTC 2014 . . . m>
Date: Wed Oct 15 10:43:12 2014 -0500
SpamLog and $Log
- InitVars: defined $Log
Spam and $
- DoSear . . . t is a file upload, return 0. Also replace %FORM with GetParam
- Passes
SpamCheck: Re-written to use GetParam (for CGI)
- DoLinkedPages: If page do . . . th GetParam (for CGI)
- ReDirect: Re-written to use CGI
- DoPosting
Spam: use GetParam (for CGI)
- DoPostingLogin: use GetParam (for CGI)
- . . .
Discuss Spam WorkLast modified Sun Jun 26 18:26:47 UTC 2016 . . . iscussion pages. So we'll see how effective the red herring is at stopping
-- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Thu Jul 25 14:47:51 UTC 2013// (69.4.28 . . . rring form, should be a fairly effective deterrent against automated (bot)
spam, however it will do nothing to defeat human-generated
That is why t . . . med by an administrative user that matches the content will be rejected as
I've loaded up the master BadContent file from MoinMoin, and am currentl . . .
ConfiguringLast modified Fri Nov 14 01:56:49 UTC 2014 . . .
**%QuestionAnswer** - This hash holds the questions/answers for the anti-
spam textcha. Questions will only be asked of those who are not authenticated. . . . will ever be asked (be warned that this will open your wiki up to getting
spammed if you allow open editing). The default set of questions is sane, howev . . . er you may want to change them, or add your own, as
spambots will likely figure out the default set of questions.
**$SurgeProtecti . . .
Discuss SpamLast modified Wed Feb 22 17:13:54 UTC 2017 . . . I'm pleased to say that since these anti-
spam features have been implemented into Aneuch, and have been in full operatio . . . eption, there have been zero (zilch, nada, nothing, nein, nyet) successful
spam attacks.
In future releases, I want to implement more logging about which . . . getting triggered, to see what seems to be more effective at stopping the
spammers. At a guess, I would have to say it has a lot to do with the [[BannedC . . .
Version 0.50 ChangelogLast modified Thu Feb 18 03:23:14 UTC 2016 . . . (readability)
- DoEdit: Removed some commented code, now print for Anti
Spam() call
- WriteDB: Fixed bug where the write file handle wasn't being u . . . sed to lock the file
- Anti
Spam: Now return instead of print
- DoDiscuss: print for Anti
Spam() call
. . . - DoPosting
Spam: Change to "$Page?do=
spam" call
. . .
Version 0.30Last modified Mon Mar 17 15:02:29 UTC 2014 . . . n follow the [[Installing|installation instructions]].
==New Features
Spam]]** - Aneuch 0.30 has introduced strong anti-
spam features which . . . make it a breeze for wiki administrators to keep
spammers out.
**[[APIs]]** - The 0.30 release of Aneuch has introduced several . . .
Discuss FutureLast modified Wed Jan 7 14:23:33 UTC 2015 . . .
I removed "Anti-
Spam" from this list, as Aneuch (beginning with the release of 0.30) will have . . . built-in
spam fighting abilities. See [[
Spam]] for more info.
-- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Wed Aug 21 13:57:42 UTC . . .
Discuss Version 0 20Last modified Tue Apr 9 19:04:16 UTC 2013 . . . write a sub that handles registration? Something like "RegPostAction('anti
- [[AaronGraves|AaronGraves]] //Thu Apr 4 19:39:45 UTC 2 . . .
Version 0.30 DevTrackLast modified Mon Feb 17 20:27:11 UTC 2014 . . .
These are the features that have been implemented
spam should be at the top of the priority list for 0.30.
===Rate l . . .
FeaturesLast modified Mon Oct 16 00:26:29 UTC 2017 . . . * Signatures
* NoWiki and Preformatted text
===Base Features
* **Strong [[
spam]] features**
* Configurable revision history (keep all, keep all . . .
HomePageLast modified Thu Feb 18 03:09:12 UTC 2016 . . . Changes]], viewing revision history, preview, history diffs, [[Search]], [[
**In the works:** //caching, **[[Documentation]]** (both of . . .
UpgradingLast modified Wed Oct 18 19:24:43 UTC 2017 . . . n in between.
==0.50 -> 0.60
There is a new configuration variable, `$
SpamLogging` located in the directory. The default is 0 (disable), ho . . .
Version 0 10Last modified Fri Mar 14 02:30:21 UTC 2014 . . . Done.
Optional features:
* --Preview changes while editing-- Done.
* Anti-
spam features
* RCS?
* Flood control?
* --Store per-page diffs in each archive . . .
Discuss SearchLast modified Tue Jul 8 16:34:43 UTC 2014 . . . automated scripts were hitting the search command with a bunch of random "
spammy" type phrases. This could potentially lead to a denial of service condit . . .
SiteMapLast modified Sat Sep 3 23:19:02 UTC 2016 . . . ved
* [[Support]]
* [[Source]]
* [[Issues]]
* [[Future]]
* [[License]]
* [[
* [[News]]
* [[WhatIsAWiki]]
* [[About]]
* [[AaronGraves]]
* . . .
Community GuidelinesLast modified Wed Oct 22 14:39:49 UTC 2014 . . . ’t take it personally if some of your text is changed or deleted
* **Don’t
* [[Wiki Squatting]], that is, using this wiki as your personal Web spac . . .
Discuss Version 0 10Last modified Fri Nov 16 17:39:30 UTC 2012 . . . d features are done. I'm really thinking about implementing ACL's and Anti-
Spam since the required features were completed ahead of schedule.
- [[AaronGr . . .
Discuss Version 0.50Last modified Sun Apr 5 20:17:44 UTC 2015 . . . could still manually submit the form via other means (I'm looking at you,
spambots!). So we'll now check for locks before a new edit can be saved.
In fu . . .
BannedContentLast modified Wed Aug 28 20:32:37 UTC 2013 . . . As part of its [[
spam capabilities]], Aneuch administrators can set rules for the types of conte . . .
23 pages found.