Editing version 4 of page Deleting_Pages (the most recent revision is 5)
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%notice This page contains information pertaining to [[Version 0.40]] or higher only. For information on how page deleting worked prior to this release, refer to the page [[Deleting Pages pre 0.40]].%
Deleting pages in Aneuch is pretty easy. Simply navigate to the page you want to delete, and click the edit link.
Simply delete all of the page content, and enter "DeletedPage" by itself on the first line. You can put anything you'd like after that line (such as information or discussions as to why the page is being deleted). However, the text "DeletedPage" must be the only thing on the first line.
After the amount of time defined in the variable `**$PurgeDeletedPage**` (default 2 weeks) the page will automatically be deleted via a [[Maintenance Tasks|maintenance task]].
For information about the different methods of deleting pages, see [[Immediate vs Delayed Deleting]].
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