Developing Plugins for Aneuch is easy and fun. Plugins are simple PERL scripts that allow you to extend the feature set of Aneuch.
All plugins will reside in a folder called 'plugins' that lives within the $DataDir. Plugin names will end in either '.pl' or '.pm'. If you want to disable a plugin, simply add '.disabled' (or anything, really) to the end of its name and it will not be loaded.
Plugins should have a hash-bang (#!) line at the very top that points at PERL, normally #!/usr/bin/perl. The next line will say package Aneuch;. Following that should be a line that says push @Plugins followed by a string which contains plugin name, version, and a description and link to plugin homepage. An example would be:
push @Plugins, "<a href=''></a>, version 1.0 - Allows the use of plain HTML pages (instead of markup)";
After this, a plugin may begin defining variables and subs as it sees fit.
A plugin may replace a built-in sub by doing the following:
*OldMarkup = \&Markup;
*Markup = \&NewMarkup;
And then go on to define sub NewMarkup.
Aneuch includes several API calls that plugin developers can use. You will find them documented on the page APIs.
You can always see examples of real live Aneuch plugins by viewing the plugins directory in the source repository.