2024/06/19 15:56 UTC (current) Revision 21 . . . . AaronGraves ( – Revert to Revision 18 (Tue Jun 18 23:57:01 UTC 2024) 05:48 UTC Revision 20 . . . . Marshallupy ( – 05:41 UTC Revision 19 . . . . Fingerboardggj ( – 2024/06/18 23:57 UTC Revision 18 . . . . AaronGraves ( – Revert to Revision 16 (Sun Jun 16 13:42:31 UTC 2024) 2024/06/17 14:43 UTC Revision 17 . . . . Beaconbuj ( – 2024/06/16 13:42 UTC Revision 16 . . . . AaronGraves ( – Revert to Revision 13 (Sun Dec 13 14:31:21 UTC 2015) 2024/06/06 14:31 UTC Revision 15 . . . . Feederlmf ( – 2023/01/09 00:20 UTC Revision 14 . . . . ManuelNut ( – 2015/12/13 14:31 UTC Revision 13 . . . . AaronGraves ( – This version is already very delayed, however, consider developing a new theme using [[http://getbootstrap.com/|bootstrap]]. If not for this version, then for the next. 2015/09/05 17:40 UTC Revision 12 . . . . AaronGraves ( – AlexDaniel reported [[https://github.com/ajgraves/aneuch/issues/15|Issue 15]], "XSS vulnerability everywhere". Several places are not checked, and need to be. While this affects all releases of Aneuch, it'll only be corrected in 0.50. 2015/08/30 16:20 UTC Revision 11 . . . . AaronGraves ( – For sure there is a "blocker" in the editing function (see [[Discuss Version 0.50]]) 2015/08/29 19:41 UTC Revision 10 . . . . AaronGraves ( – I've sat too long on this release. I'll gather up some info on what needs to be done to close 0.50 out and get it released.For 0.60, I think I want to focus on code review mostly. There is code in Aneuch that hasn't been changed (or even looked at) for a few years probably. 2015/04/24 19:54 UTC Revision 9 . . . . AaronGraves ( – Linked the link 18:58 UTC Revision 8 . . . . AaronGraves ( – For the add_filter idea, here's a handy link: http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch10_05.htmThe most relevant pieces are probably:{{{$me = whoami();$him = whowasi();sub whoami { (caller(1))[3] }sub whowasi { (caller(2))[3] }}}}So each sub can call something like ProcessFilter (or similar). That sub would (in the above example) call whowasi and determine the name of the calling sub. It would then check the hash value and pull the filter from that hash.There's also this:{{{cat currsub.pl#!/usr/bin/perlpackage Aneuch;sub GetSubName { my $package = __PACKAGE__; my $caller = (caller(1))[3]; $caller =~ s/^$package\:\://; return $caller;}sub MySub { print GetSubName();}MySub();}}} 2015/04/15 14:48 UTC Revision 7 . . . . AaronGraves ( – To clarify the previous comment... Aneuch should serve CSS for the dashboard, which can be overridden/customized by the theme, however this will make sure that the new look remains at minimum consistent in themes where it wasn't planned for. 03:02 UTC Revision 6 . . . . AaronGraves ( – Also regarding the admin dashboard... it should probably have it's own CSS. This, of course, could be customized/overwritten by a template (theme). But it would be handy... 02:53 UTC Revision 5 . . . . AaronGraves ( – I'd like to look at implementing a feature similar to Wordpress' [[http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_filter|`add_filter`]] 2015/04/01 18:37 UTC Revision 4 . . . . AaronGraves ( – The sub [[APIs RegDashboardItem|RegDashboardItem]] has been created to allow the registration of a new dashboard item to be displayed. 15:49 UTC Revision 3 . . . . AaronGraves ( – Saving this for category pages: [[http://alistapart.com/article/multicolumnlists]]In case of showing a list of pages in a multi-column list. 2015/03/31 18:13 UTC Revision 2 . . . . AaronGraves ( – I've got this thought for category pages: Have the pages start with `Category:` followed by the category name (similar to Wikipedia). We call [[APIs RegSpecialPage|RegSpecialPage]] on `Category:.*` and have it call sub `DoCategoryPage()` (or similar). This will then run a search query for all pages tagged with that category.The only problem now is deciding how to tag a page with a category. Should it be in the text itself? Should it be a separate field on the edit form? Do any of you have any thoughts on this? 2015/03/25 14:38 UTC Revision 1 . . . . AaronGraves ( – Some carry-over from [[Discuss Version 0.40 DevTrack]]:* Shortcode "discusspage"?* Page description and keyword fields* Notifications/subscriptions?