Editing version 51 of page HomePage (the most recent revision is 52)
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==The Aneuch Wiki Engine==
[[WhatIsAWiki|{{right:Wiki_diagram_small|Diagram of a wiki}}]]
Welcome! **[[What Is Aneuch|Aneuch]]** (pronounced //uh//-**noo**kh and means "enough") is a //[[WhatIsAWiki|wiki engine]]// written in PERL by [[AaronGraves|Aaron Graves]]. It is a single [[Source|PERL script]], and it uses your filesystem rather than a database. (See [[Features]])
[[Documentation]] is available to help you get started.
Aneuch is **free** in every sense of the word (free as in //beer//, and free as in //speech//),
being licensed under the [[License|BSD License]].
The current release of Aneuch is [[Version 0.42]]. The next release will be [[Version 0.50]].
Some of the goals of this project are:
* A [[Markup]] engine compatible with [[http://www.wikicreole.org/|Creole]]
* [[Themes|Themeable]]
* [[Plugins|Extensible (plugin support)]]
* Useful
* **Fast**
* [[Documentation|Well documented (code, user guide, etc)]]
Download the archive file: [[http://www.aneuch.org/downloads/aneuch_0.42.tgz|aneuch_0.42.tgz]] Then refer to the [[Installing]] instructions.
What works, and what doesn't?
**Working:** //[[Markup]], editing, archiving, [[Plugins]], [[Themes]], [[Discussion Pages]], [[RecentChanges]], viewing revision history, preview, history diffs, [[Search]], [[Spam|anti-spam]]//
**In the works:** //caching, **[[Documentation]]** (both of the code and of the features), ACL's//
See also: [[Features]], [[Issues]], [[Future]], [[Feature Requests]]
===Helping Out===
If you wish to get involved in Aneuch, see the [[Support]] page.
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Show markup help Styling **bold **, //italic //, __underline __, --strikethrough--, `teletype ` Headers = Level 1 =, == Level 2 ==, === Level 3 ===, ==== Level 4 ====, ===== Level 5 ===== (ending ='s optional) Lists * Unordered List, # Ordered List, ** Level 2 unordered, ### Level 3 ordered (up to 5 levels, NO SPACES IN FRONT) Links [[Page]], [[Page|description]], [[http://link]], [[http://link|description]] Images {{image.jpg}}, {{right:image.jpg}} (right aligned), [[link|{{image.jpg}}]] (image linked to link), {{image.jpg|alt text}} Extras ---- (horizonal rule), ~~~~ (signature)