Editing version 1 of page Immediate_vs_Delayed_Deleting (the most recent revision is 4)
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Currently (as of August 2013) Aneuch uses immediate deleting. This was the easiest way to implement page deletion at the time it was implemented (around April 9th, 2013). However, I've got some concerns about that method, and am considering changing it to the delayed delete method.
Some advantages of immediately deleting:
* If you absolutely need to remove content from your site ASAP (e.g. a lawsuit), it's done quickly and easily
* It is the easiest method to implement into Aneuch
And some disadvantages:
* Deleting a page is an unrecoverable event - one would have to consult their backups if a page was inadvertently deleted
Advantages of delayed deleting
* A deleted page is easily recoverable (revert to the previous change)
And disadvantages:
* If you need to remove content immediately, you would have to edit the page database directly
* More difficult to implement into Aneuch
I'm leaning heavily towards implementing delayed deleting into Aneuch. Feel free to leave your thoughts on the [[Discuss Immediate vs Delayed Deleting|discussion page]]
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