Editing version 12 of page Markup (the most recent revision is 17)
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[[AneuchCheatsheet.png|{{right:AneuchCheatsheet.png|Aneuch Cheatsheet}}]]
The Aneuch wiki engine attempts to implement the [[http://www.wikicreole.org|Creole]] markup language, with a few deviations (and a few additions). You can see the cheat sheet to the right.
==Implemented Features==
* Bulleted lists (prefix with a '*')
* Numbered lists (prefix with a '#')
* Bold text (surround with two *'s)
* Italic text (surround with two /'s)
* Strikethrough text (surround with two -'s)
* Forced line breaks (use two \'s)
* H1 through H5 headers (start a line with ='s x level (one for H1, five for H5)
* Links, both internal and external (surround by two ['s and ]'s, optional text after a | character)
* Horizonal rule (four -'s)
* Teletype text (surround by backticks)
* Images (surround by 2 {'s and 2 }'s, optional alignment by prepending image url with 'right:' or 'left:', optional alt text after the image url and | character)
* Underline text (surround with two underscores)
==Planned Features==
* Tables (simple)
* Multi-level lists
* Nowiki switches around text
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Show markup help Styling **bold **, //italic //, __underline __, --strikethrough--, `teletype ` Headers = Level 1 =, == Level 2 ==, === Level 3 ===, ==== Level 4 ====, ===== Level 5 ===== (ending ='s optional) Lists * Unordered List, # Ordered List, ** Level 2 unordered, ### Level 3 ordered (up to 5 levels, NO SPACES IN FRONT) Links [[Page]], [[Page|description]], [[http://link]], [[http://link|description]] Images {{image.jpg}}, {{right:image.jpg}} (right aligned), [[link|{{image.jpg}}]] (image linked to link), {{image.jpg|alt text}} Extras ---- (horizonal rule), ~~~~ (signature)