Editing version 14 of page News (the most recent revision is 15)
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===July 24th, 2015
As it seems is the custom around summer time, development has slowed. I'm working on a few little things, then should resume "big development"
===March 16th, 2015
Due to the [[http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2015/03/farewell-to-google-code.html|announced shutdown of Google code]], I've moved the source repo for Aneuch to [[https://github.com/ajgraves/aneuch|GitHub]]. I've changed several links here on the wiki.
===November 21st, 2014
[[Version 0.42]], a bugfix, has been released!
===November 14th, 2014
[[Version 0.41]], a bugfix, has been released!
===November 13th, 2014
[[Version 0.40]] has been released!
===April 16th, 2014
Development on [[Version 0.40]] has slowed a bit due to other commitments, however fear not, it is coming! And you'll love the new features.
If you're interested in contributing to Aneuch's development, see [[Source]].
===March 5th, 2014
Work is underway for [[Version 0.40]]. There's quite an ambitious list of stuff on the [[Version 0.40 DevTrack|devtrack page]].
===February 24th, 2014
The [[Version 0.30]] download was made available on the 21st, however the official announcement hasn't been made until now. Go download it, install it, test it, break it, and report back!
===February 14th, 2014
Some progress is being made on Aneuch, and I'm thinking [[Version 0.30]] should be released next week some time. Some significant internal changes have been made, including the introduction of [[APIs]], moving Aneuch closer to a webapp platform. Don't worry, traditional wiki features will remain.
===January 8th, 2014
Aneuch development has slowed to a stop due to some unfortunate life circumstances. But rest assured, it is not dead! I'll be picking up development again soon. Prepare yourselves for the release of [[Version 0.30]].
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