Editing version 3 of page Version_0_10 (the most recent revision is 8)
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=Version 0.10=
This page is all about version 0.10 of Aneuch, which is slated to be the first public release.
It is to be considered "alpha quality" at best, though most things should work just fine.
Required features:
* Markup engine (Constantly evolving)
* --Editing-- Done.
* --Full revision history-- Done.
* --Diff display between revisions-- Done.
* --Plugin support-- Done.
* --Theme support-- Done.
* --RecentChanges-- Done.
* --Discussion pages-- Done.
* Search
Optional features:
* --Preview changes while editing-- Done.
* Anti-spam features
* RCS?
* Flood control?
* --Store per-page diffs in each archive file-- Done.
Note that this timeline is **not** set in stone. It's fluid, though I hope to stick to it as much as possible.
* Required features done: **7 July 2012**
* Testing of all required features: **14 July 2012**
* Documentation complete: **14 July 2012**
* 0.10 branch and download made available: **15 July 2012** This page is a template
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